What should I do with my medical bills? How do my medical bills affect my personal injury claim?

Medical expenses for treatment of injury are an important element of damages in a personal injury case. Of course, medical expenses must be for treatment related to an injury sustained in an accident. It's important to ensure that your lawyer knows about all of your injuries and all of the medical providers (doctors, hospitals, chiropractors, etcetera) who have cared for your injuries. Your lawyer will accumulate medical records and bills as evidence to support your claim.

Your lawyer and staff will help to ensure that medical bills are paid by the appropriate insurance company, whether that is the automobile insurance company, a workers compensation insurer or your own health insurance depending upon the circumstances and the law. The lawyer and staff will work to coordinate benefits, when possible. (That's a process of ensuring that bills are paid by the right insurance company and that charges are not overlooked.) You should provide a copy of any medical bill you receive to your lawyer.  

Often, a client’s medical treatment continues long after an initial meeting between the client and the lawyer. You should keep your lawyer informed of Important medical developments such as diagnostic tests (MRI, CT scan, X-rays), physical therapy, surgery, pain management and referrals to specialists. This will enable your lawyer to request updated records and medical charges.  

When your lawyer is negotiating a settlement, medical expenses and records are used to demonstrate the nature and severity of injuries as well as the extent of necessary medical treatment. Sometimes, medical records are used to document pain, physical restriction and the impact of an injury on a client's daily living.  

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